K.A.M.A (Kenya Anglican Men Association)
The first meeting of the Kenya Anglican Men Association (KAMA) was convened on Wednesday, 14th June 2000 in the Bishop’s Boardroom at the A.C.K. Garden House Headquarters, Nairobi. Since then, KAMA has grown from strength to strength and has a presence in almost all Dioceses.
KAMA is a fellowship of Christian men, young and old who are baptized and confirmed in the Anglican Church. KAMA is a recognition that the highest duty of man is to glorify God in worship, word and in action and to reach out to those in need.
The aim of KAMA is, ‘to help its members to grow in spirit, mind and body and to be nurtured in faith for every good work.
- Evangelism and Missions
- Visitations and Reaching Out
- Community Service
- Education Support/Bursary Fund
- Men Fellowship
- Economic Empowerment
- Projects
- Mentoring Young People
- Bible Study
The objectives of KAMA are among others, to:
- Promote God’s Kingdom and to set forth His Glory
- Help its members to grow in spirit, mind and body, and be nurtured in faith for every good work
- Encourage members to play an active role in the mission of the Church
- Promote Christian principles in national, civic and community life
- Encourage members to undertake acts of Christian service for the distressed, disadvantaged and the disabled.
- Encourage members to use the gifts God has given them as good stewards of God’s varied grace.